
Six Hundred Young Single Adults, Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Gather From Across Cambodia for a Two-Day Nationwide Conference


May 13th brought Young Single Adults, ages 18-30, who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), from all over Cambodia for a two- day Conference.  Held in Phnom Penh, at a local congregational meetinghouse, members and their church leaders came together for ecclesiastical led workshops, cultural exchange, dancing, food, and fun!

Day one began with over one hundred and fifty YSA members arriving from Krong Battambang, Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, Krong Kampong Thom, and other locations, by buses, and vans, to join with those from the Phnom Penh area.  Totaling over six hundred.

Afternoon cultural entertainment from Stakes and Districts were presented on stage with music, and performances representing traditional dramas, and dance.  Entertained between performances with seasoned MC's, the members enjoyed the interchange between those from across Cambodia.  Dinner and dancing proved to be a good way to end the night.

 Day two began with workshops centered on the theme, "Stand in Holy Places", including Temple Marriage, Dating, Self-Reliance, and Patriarchal Blessings.  Testimonies followed and beautiful choir music created a peaceful atmosphere for Elder Wisit Khanakham of the Seventy to address the congregation.  His message included embracing the "Mormon Culture" and finding happiness by doing what one knows to be true.  Lunch, smiles, and picture taking concluded the successful event.  See more. https://vimeo.com/127997769

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