FamilySearch sponsors the largest genealogical library in the world: the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. This world-famous facility is free and open to the public.
The library is staffed by expert research consultants and volunteers who can help beginners get started with their genealogy or help experienced family historians find new information. Staff members can suggest sources to search, answer questions about geography or languages, and provide guidance on what records are available for a specific location and how to use them. The library also offers free classes and workshops both on site and online for those who unable to travel to Salt Lake City.
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The library’s collection includes the names of more than 3 billion deceased people from over 100 countries. This information is contained on:
• 2.4 million rolls of microfilm
• 727,000 microfiche
• 356,000 books, serials, and other formats
• Over 4,500 periodicals
• 3,725 electronic resources
Increasingly, these materials are being made available on the FamilySearch website. The records that are still only on microfilm or microfiche can be found by searching the FamilySearch Catalog. Many items can be loaned to local family history centers for a small fee.
The Family History Library is one of the top tourist destinations in Utah, with tens of thousands of people making a pilgrimage to the facility every year. Those considering a visit to Salt Lake City can find more information on visiting the Family History Library on