His Excellency Say Samal, Minister of Environment, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, recognizes the importance of English as a universal language. Speaking to the power of communication in the workforce and in life, he said, "Learning English is a necessary skill for an emerging Cambodia, and will insure global and economic success for our country's future."
Minister Samal, made these remarks as he extended a warm welcome and introduction of the young men and women who are missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Over a dozen missionaries were special guests of His Excellency and were seated in a prominent place at the front of the spacious conference hall for the special announcement. As he lauded their selfless service to the citizens of Phnom Penh and throughout Cambodia, he explained they volunteered to teach their native English lessons free of charge, to ministry personnel who wished to enroll.
Also in attendance were the Deputies to the Minister, who were seated on the stage, along with the hundreds of employees summoned to the gathering for the official announcement. The classes were made more attractive by offering different days and times for staff members and the convenience of being conducted at the offices at the Ministry.

His Excellency extended his deep gratitude and lauded the willingness of these young missionaries to instruct and teach English to Cambodian citizens providing them a way to make higher income and compete more successfully in the workplace while strengthening their country's growing future.
Classes are now underway and ongoing results are gratifying. Some of the positive comments heard from those enrolled:
"When I was young, it was very hard to sudy as I had to go out for lessons in the dark which was very scary and expensive for me. Now it is convenient and free at work, and has already improved my English a lot."
"I didn't get to study after high school. These classes help to improve my pronounciation and I can understand when my friends are speaking English."
"I like English class because I can apply it to my job and get to know my co-workers better."
Following the example of Jesus Christ and his ministry to bless others, these young missionaries leave their homes for two years, and freely give of their energy, time and talents in the service of their fellowmen. These young Cambodians will be future leaders and friends to the church.