It was all hugs and smiles as full-time Senior Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints brought backpacks and school supplies to children in Phum Thmey Kirirom Primary School. Five couples, including Phnom Penhs' Mission President and his wife enjoyed this service project.
The children were lined up eagerly waiting and clapping with happy hearts to greet the missionaries.
The missionaries handed out backpacks with school supplies inside that they had previously assembled. The children loved them and were so appreciative of the needed gifts given. Their school is just one small room; board sided, with a dirt floor. Two white boards were given and installed for teaching. 50 students ranging from 4-14 years of age come in the morning, and 50 in the afternoon. With excitement, the children were quick to get paper and colored pencils out of their bags to color pictures, giving them to the senior couples.
After hugs and goodbyes, the Missionaries left and enjoyed lunch in the Kiriom National Forest before heading back to Phnom Penh and their individual assignments, respectively per couple, Self Reliance, Humanitarian Aid, Public Affairs, and Mission Office Responsibilities.
Full-time Senior Missionaries serve all over the world. They choose to serve for 6, 12,18, or 23 months at their own expense. It takes hearts of faith and a strong testimony of Jesus Christ for Seniors to leave their families and homes. Missionaries accept the call to serve not knowing beforehand where they will be serving. Great joy is felt as love and sacrifice attend their experience. Currently there are approximately 3,000 full-time Senior Missionaries serving in over 400 missions worldwide.